Your guide to winning.
Increase your response rate on informational meetings, interviews, and job offers today!
There has never been a job seeking book with a full range of skillsets that are so succinct (30 total, 2 pages each), easy-to-follow, and time tested.
Check out the acclaimed book, Job Seeking Warriors – A Mentors Guide to Winning on Amazon.
Go from:
- Expending unnecessary time
- Posting on job boards with minimal response
- Feeling like the employer holds all the cards
- Lacking preparation and informational insights
- Settling for a job versus directing to a high quality position
Start to:
- Size up the challenge
- Develop a strategy
- Position for triumph
- Proactively engage
- Pursue a position
- Develop the power to win
Take your job hunting to the next level.
Transform from an aspiring job seeker to an expert Job Seeking Warrior. And when your goal is achieved, and your knowledge has grown — pass it forward.
Find out what others are saying about Job Seeking Warriors – A Mentors Guide to Winning on Amazon.